
April 26, 2011 § Leave a comment

I waited around at the camp a bit last night.  Vassanta must have had other things to do.  Dog was restless.  I could tell she wanted a good hunt so I decided to head to the Barrens with her to find a few lonely orcs.  I had to stop in Darnassus first to get some clean clothing.  My sister won’t wash my clothes anymore.  I’m starting to run out of clean stuff.

So Dog and I went there first.  I was surprised to find Jaellynn there.  I don’t know when the last time I saw him in Darnassus was.  Both he and Terivanis seemed relieved to see me.  Terivanis apparently believed I was missing. and they were both about to set out to look for me.  I am old enough to take care of myself.  Little chance of convincing Terivanis of that.

I told them both about retiring.  Jaellynn seemed surprised.  Terivanis was angry.  Terivanis is always angry about something.  My sister wasn’t home.  I imagine she’ll hear about it soon enough.

Jaellynn and I wound up somewhat talking to each other again.  We went to Darkshore and fished while the moon was rising.  I’m still angry with him a bit, but I think we can get along.  He said he was mad about my answer to his question about fishing in Northrend, which was kind of stupid.  Fish are in water.  Find water, and you find fish.  It’s no different in Northrend.  He said he’d be going soon.  I hope it all works out well for him.

Another Wonderful Tail Day

April 12, 2011 § Leave a comment

Tail days are great!  So far Wednesday is clear for another one.  Tonight I have a meeting and Thursday I have a meeting.

The street market is coming up soon.  I’m not sure how I feel about it.  We’re not exactly a merchant organization.  I’m unsure why we’re hosting this.  Furthermore some of our people are quite traditional and wonder why we’re inviting humans and gnomes and such into the city to try to sell us stuff.  I’m not bothered by it myself, but I wonder what the point of it is.  It’s something the others wanted to do.  I’m not going to stop it because I don’t think it can cause any lasting harm.  I hope.

Yesterday Vass and I went to kill some jungle trolls.  I forgot to bring arrows so I had to run up to them and hit them with my polearm.  I felt like a real warrior!  We killed a bunch of trolls and Sketch and Dog ate some.  They were full of troll meat and we went to the camp.  There were some people there already.  I bet Jaellynn told them about it!  No one knew about it but me until I told him! We went to the other side of the lake and fished there for a bit.

She drew a really cool picture where I’m the king and she’s the queen and Dog has fish and Sketch eats trolls.  It was cute!


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